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Master Thesis usability study
I am currently doing my master thesis in CS at the TU Delft with the algorithmics department. The subject is data mining in agent-based simulation models. The goal of this master thesis project is to develop a tool that allows model designers to easily execute and analyse model experiments for NetLogo. Currently the tools for this purpose lack functionality or usability, so we attempt to develop a tool that achieves both of these and is available to everyone.
In order to evaluate whether the tool has successfully achieved its goals, I plan to do a usability study with the actual target group for the tool model designers. The overall plan for this user study is to be in a voice call with me Teams, Skype etc while you share your screen with the GUI on it. You will then execute the tasks with the GUI on screen and the results will be recorded by me. Afterwards, there will be a small questionnaire to get your opinion on the tool and its functionalities.
I estimate that the entire user study will not take more than an hour of your time. My plan is to perform this user study somewhere between the end of April and halfway May Would anyone here be interested in participating in this user usability masters thesis to help me out with my master thesis? It would be very much appreciated. If you are not interested personally, usability masters thesis, do you have any recommendations for people that have experience with NetLogo and may be interested in participating?
If you have any questions, feel free to contact me at r. My advice at building such models — apart from the papers cited by Michael — is: have a look at ocopomo. eua project that developed open collaboration modelling. Master Thesis usability study. Robin Faber. Apr 7,usability masters thesis, AM Apr 7, usability masters thesis. Reply to author. Report message as abuse. Show original message. Either email addresses are anonymous for this group or you need the view member email addresses permission to view the original message.
Thanks in advance, usability masters thesis, Robin Faber. Wade Schuette. Robin, yes, I'd be glad to participate in your study. While you have specific requirements for your Masters Degree that I'm sure limit the scope and time of your work, usability masters thesis, I'd hope that you intend to put your software project up on GitHub where the rest of us can survey it, debate it, and fork various variations of it to make an ever improving tool over time!
I suspect again that your degree committee wants to see work that is uniquely attributable to you, but everyone else would prefer to see work that we've all participated in making the best it can be, so the sooner the better. Yes, I'm frustrated that once a model is tentatively built, and one has run ten thousand variants via Behavior Space, usability masters thesis, that cleanly pulling together the results and analysis in clean, usability masters thesis, if not pretty publication-ready charts and graphs and interactive pivot tables, etc, usability masters thesis.
Here one has to go outside NetLogo to Python or R or Tableau or something and it is frustrating if not hard work and a total roadblock to many people who are not good at such things.
In the meantime, short of sharing the software, I'd be interested in seeing your analysis of what is right and wrong with current solutions and how you derived what you think is a fix for some of the problems. would make models more comprehensible and useful to, say, policy makers -- with the idea of models of Covid as an exemplar.
Inbefore the pandemic arose, there was much grieving the fact that policy makers don't turn to epidemiology models soon enough by the epi community, led by Caitlin Rivers at Johns Hopkins. In that sense "usability" of a "GUI" is the key factor, and I suspect these days that interactivity versus passive "output" charts and graphs is crucial to making data approachable, usability masters thesis, accessible, and useful and allows some assessment as to whether to believe it or not. But stepping back a level, or up another notch in "systems thinking", the whole concept of the Epi models the USA was exposed to were, in my mind, seriously lacking, because they showed biologically accurate portrayals of a socially embedded disease process, totally missing the social response aspect, totally usability masters thesis showing in any way shape or form the feedback loop of social response usability masters thesis the disease progression in the USA -- probably the single most important factor, and one that allowed Public Health to be tarred and feathered as public enemy number one, usability masters thesis unconcerned about job loss or even death due to health insurance loss due to job loss due to shutdowns.
In other words, while biologically accurate, socially the models were usability masters thesis total and complete disaster, setting the usability masters thesis into partisan war and setting public health back a decade.
So -- the larger question arises of where the whole basis of the model is represented and discussed in a collaborative learning way, and I don't see any trace of that in your Master's project. Which makes sense for you, but in the long run, not for us. I am far more concerned that the underlying assumptions of the model are wrong than that the data-processing-algorithms are incorrect.
And I certainly would envision a software environment in which user experience and stories can be stored along with the software to see who has tried to use it where with what success. Again to me that matters more than the algorithms. Useful papers on the modeling process, the first one using NetLogo examples. And one should not miss Bruce Edmond's Center for Policy Modeling for wonderful insights, usability masters thesis.
Using agent-based simulation to inform policy — what could possibly go wrong? But even sticking inside the box, to the algorithms, the process of TESTING a model remains a semi black-box to many people, as with all software, and anything which allowed gathering together of suitable regression tests for new variants of a model would be helpful usability masters thesis would something stronger than "diff" that allowed comparison of the usability masters thesis of that test plan on a new version of code with prior runs on prior versions of the software.
Similarly, the question of how to easily check all the boxes of identifying the usability masters thesis factors of one's model in a standard way suitable for publishing the model and the results and letting readers see what's going on under the covers would be of interest. So there are an ever larger set of lenses and system frameworks in which to examine a particular instance of a particular NetLogo model species, make sense of it, and know how much to rely on it or trust it, in situ.
To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send an email to netlogo-user Michael Tamillow. So what you are saying Wade is that there is a serious doubt on whether we should enable policy makers with the arsenal of models and usability masters thesis manipulation tooling that justifies whatever action they were already intending to take?
The standard for what qualifies as predictions based on causal intervention in a lot of modeler's minds is pretty low and unscientific.
Many modelers simply develop regressions and believe changing the values of independent variables, to get alternative predictions, will justify a change in outcomes based on interventionist policy. Clearly the models that justified this policy intervention were so wide in scope that it would be impossible to evaluate causally.
That's probably why the policy interventions had usability masters thesis so critically advised against for over a decade. No legitimate medical practitioner or scientist would advise an approach which destroys the ability to introspect on the causal relationships in the world. There are more people flooding into industries associated with data and information, usability masters thesis, which results in more cool tools, more interesting technologies, usability masters thesis, and also more noise, usability masters thesis.
It takes time and effort usability masters thesis perhaps even some unlearnable traits to get a sense of what can actually be derived from data. It does not take nearly the same amount of these attributes to talk about the topic, push agendas, or make a profit.
Differentiating is often hard for the general population - sometimes it is even hard for the individuals themselves! No Michael that is not what I said. Any tool can be misused. The conversation a model generates is important and probably should somehow be attached to the model.
We had a saying where I used to work - the table giveth and the footnote taketh away. Perhaps models for policy makers might come with chauffeurs. Anything can be cherry picked or misunderstood or misused. And the public has little capacity for nuance. The press will take something out of context and headline it. In my mind the GUI should remind one to look outside the box. mobile: 1 Klaus G.
to netlog com, klaus. Best Klaus Prof. Actually if you conceive of one instance of a series or species of. Longer termusability masters thesis, and getting much deeper into software engineering than this master's thesis, usability masters thesis, one place that the model building and iterative improvement over time process could usability masters thesis help is connecting assumptions or intentions to make a particular change in behavior to the code one writes to implement that assumption or change.
Then you could answer with confidence questions like: Why is this line of NetLogo code here? What does it do? or What changes in the code were made between September 1st and September 15th in order to implement this change in assumptions about agent behavior? As an aside, i love color-coded-syntax editors but one that I wish I had somedays could flip a switch and color-code the lines of code by how solid and reliable and tested they are -- usability masters thesis truly solid code we've used for 3 years would maybe be gold, and changes put in yesterday would maybe show up in green or yellow, usability masters thesis, depending on how confident one is that the line implements the change you intended.
Or maybe the code would be in red if you know you're having a terrible day and you're stretching your limit of understanding here and have the sense that your fingers are working faster than your brain or good sense would indicate, possibly writing lines of code you are sort of, you know, HOPING do what you want, but you can't quite recall if that's true and it's too much trouble to go look it up right now, usability masters thesis.
Yes I understand where you are coming from, usability masters thesis. However, I have studied Computer Science and thus this is also a CS thesis. I usability masters thesis see how this could be a problem indeed, but sadly it won't be something that will be addressed in this thesis, usability masters thesis. And I indeed plan to publish the software such that everyone has access to it with a public GitHub repo.
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