Dissertations from PDF. Transgender Young Adults, Sibling Relationships, and Mental Health, Jordon Bosse, Nursing. PDF. Social Factors that Exacerbate Features of Borderline Personality Disorder in Young Adult Women Between 25 and 35 years of age Living in the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, Erika M. Carrasquillo, Nursing. PDF Abstracts of thesis of Ph.D Nursing. Topic: An evaluative study of the effect of Pranayama on knowledge, life style, health status, Quality of Life and perceived symptom experiences of Elderly who are living in residences and in selected old age homes of Mangalore, Karnataka Theses/Dissertations from Fatigue Symptom Distress and Its Relationship with Quality Of Life in Adult Stem Cell Transplant Survivors, Suzan Fouad Abduljawad R.N., B.S.N. Nursing Advocacy and the Accuracy of Intravenous to Oral Opioid Conversion
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In Post-Extubated Patients What are the Preferred Methods of Communication During Their Experience of Endotracheal Intubation with Mechanical VentilationLanette Dumas. Perceived Discrimination and Cardiovascular Outcomes in Blacks: A Secondary Data Analysis of the Heart SCORE Studynursing phd thesis, Marilyn Aluoch. Exploration of Gratitude in Cardiovascular Health: Mediators, Medication Adherence and PsychometricsLakeshia A.
Fatigue-related Symptom Clusters and their Relationship with Depression, and Functional Status in Older Adults Hospice Patients with Cancer. Genetic Moderation of Pain and Fatigue Symptoms Resulting from the Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction for Breast Cancer ProgramCarissa Bea Alinat. The Moderating Effect of Religion on Death Distress and Quality of Life between Christian Cancer patients in the United States with Muslim cancer patients in Saudi ArabiaDoaa Almostadi.
Prevention of Post Intensive Care Syndrome-Family with Sensation Awareness Focused Training Intervention: A Randomized Controlled Trial Pilot StudyPaula L. Assessing Abstinence in Infants Greater Than 28 Days OldGenieveve J. The Relationship Between Sleep Quality and Motor Function in Hospitalized Older Adult Survivors of Critical IllnessMaya N. The Role of Migration-Related Stress in Depression Among Haitian Immigrants in Florida: A Mixed Method Sequential Explanatory ApproachDany Amanda C.
The Effect of Depression, Inflammation and Sleep Quality on Risk for Cardiovascular DiseaseCatherine L. Adapting SafeMedicate Medication Dosage Calculation Skills software For Use In BrazilSamia Valeria Ozorio Dutra. The Relationship Between Total Neuropathy Score-reduced, Neuropathy Symptoms and Function. The Effectiveness of an Intervention Designed to Improve Chlorhexidine CHG Bathing Technique in Adults Hospitalized in Medical Surgical Unitsnursing phd thesis, Janette Echemendia Denny.
Examination of the Use of Accelerated Resolution Therapy ART in the Treatment of Nursing phd thesis of PTSD and Sleep Dysfunction in Veterans and CiviliansMarian Jevone Hardwick. Investigating the Mutual Effects of Depression and Spiritual Well-being on Quality of Life in Hospice Patients with Cancer and Family Caregivers Using the Actor-Partner Interdependence ModelLi-Ting Huang. The Change in Nutritional Status in Traumatic Brain Injury Patients: A Retrospective Descriptive A Retrospective Descriptive StudyDina A.
Exploring the Relationship Between Severity of Illness and Human Milk Volume in Very Low Birth Weight and Extremely Low Birth Weight Infants Over Six WeeksShannon Leigh Morse. Cardiovascular Disease Risk Scores and Novel Risk Factors in Relation to Race and GenderJohanna Wilson.
A Comparative Evaluation of the Learner Centered Grading Debriefing Method in Nursing EducationMarisa J. Sleep, Depressive Symptoms and Cognition in Older Adults and Caregivers of Persons with Dementianursing phd thesis, Glenna Shemida Brewster.
The Relationship between Hearing Status and Cognitive Performance and the Influence of Depressive Symptoms in the Older AdultJulie A. Basal Salivary Oxytocin and Skin to Skin Contact among Lactating Nursing phd thesis of Premature InfantsJessica Marie Gordon.
The Relationship Between Nurses' Emotional Intelligence and Patient Outcomesnursing phd thesis, Mary Kutash. Sexual Functioning and Body Image in Younger Breast Cancer SurvivorsCarly Lynn Paterson. Cognitive Load of Registered Nurses During Medication AdministrationSarah Faith Perron. A Comparison of Quality of Life between Intense and Non-Intense Treatment for Patients with Acute Myeloid Leukemia and High-Risk Myelodysplastic SyndromeSara Marie Tinsley.
Acculturation, Self-Efficacy and Breastfeeding Behavior in a Sample of Hispanic WomenIvonne F. Knowledge and Acceptance of HPV and the HPV Vaccine in Young Men and Their Intention to be VaccinatedBrenda Renee Jasper. The Relationships Between Sleep Disturbances, Depression, Inflammatory Markers, and Sexual Trauma in Female VeteransEllen Marcolongo. Examination of Possible Protective Effect of Rhesus D Positive Blood Factor on Toxoplasma-related Depressive Symptoms in PregnancyLisa Lynn Parnell.
Knowledge, Attitudes, and Practice of Primary Care Nurse Practitioners Regarding Skin Cancer Assessmnets: Validity and Reliability of a New InstrumentDebra Michelle Shelby. Knowledge and Practice of Reproductive Health among Mothers and their Impact on Fetal Birth Outcomes: A Case of EritreaWinta Negusse Araya. Factors Predicting Pap Smear Adherence in HIV-infected Women: Using the Health Belief ModelCrystal L. Chapman Lambert.
The Relationship Between Socioeconomic Status and Body Mass Index on Vitamin D Levels in African American Women with and without Diabetes Living in Areas with Abundant SunshineShani Vann Davis. Predictors of Quality of Life in Patients with Cutaneous T cell LymphomaDarcie Marie Deaver.
Relationship between dysphoric moods, risk-taking behaviors, nursing phd thesis, and Toxoplasma gondii antibody titers in female veteransAllyson Radford Duffy. Prenatal Stress, Depression, and Herpes Viral TitersPao-Chu Hsu. Factors Associated with Fear of Breast Cancer Recurrence Among SurvivorsJean Marie Lucas. Sickle Cell Disease: The Role of Self-Care ManagementNadine Matthie. Factors Influencing Vaccination Decisions in African American Mothers of Preschool Age ChildrenChauntel Mckenzie Mcnair.
The Strong Black Woman, Depression, and Emotional EatingMichelle Renee Offutt. Development of an Investigator-designed Questionnaire Concerning Childbirth Delivery Options based on the Theory of Planned BehaviorChun-Yi Tai.
The Mediating Effect of Distress Caused by Constipation on Predictors of Quality of Life of Nursing phd thesis Patients with Cancer. Testing a Model of Bacterial Vaginosis among Black WomenJessica Brumley. The Effect of Tight Glycemic Control on Surgical Site Infection Rates in Patients Undergoing Open Nursing phd thesis SurgerySierra Gower, nursing phd thesis.
Development of a Tool for Pressure Ulcer Risk Assessment and Preventive Interventions in Ancillary Services PatientsMonica Shutts Messer. Hospice Nurses- Attitudes and Knowledge about Pain ManagementAmie Jacqueline Miller. Literacy and Hazard Communication Comprehension of Employees Presenting to an Occupational Health ClinicChristine Bouchard. A Meta-Analysis of Cultural Competence Education in Professional Nurses and Nursing StudentsRuth Wilmer Gallagher. Relationship Between Cancer-Related Fatigue and Depression: A Pilot StudyGloria Michelle Guess.
A Comparison of Oncology and Non-Oncology Nurses in Their Knowledge of Cancer Pain ManagementNicole Houle. Evaluating Knowledge and Nursing phd thesis of Graduate Nursing Students Regarding PainEric Bartholomew Jackson. Bone Marrow Transplant Nurses' Attitudes about Caring for Patients Who are Near the End of Life: A Quality Improvement Projectnursing phd thesis, Leslie Lauersdorf.
Translation and Adaptation of the Center for Epidemiologic Studies-Depression CES-D Scale Into Tigrigna Language nursing phd thesis Tigrigna Speaking Eritrean Immigrants in the United StatesMulubrhan Fisseha Mogos, nursing phd thesis.
Nurse Manager Emotional Intelligence as a Predictor to Registered Nurse Job Satisfaction and RN Perceptions of the Practice Environment and the Relationship to Patient, Nursing and Hospital OutcomesJacqueline Cecilia Munro.
The Relationship of Mid-Pregnancy Levels of Cytokines, Stress, and Depression with Gestational Age at DeliveryMelissa Molinari Shelton. Prophylactic, Risk-Reducing Surgery in Unaffected BRCA-Positive Women: Quality Of Life, Sexual Functioning and Psychological Well-BeingSharon Tollin.
Nursing phd thesis Relationship Between FAM5C SNP rs Variability, Metabolic Syndrome, and Inflammation, in Women with Coronary Heart Nursing phd thesisJennifer L. Lived Experience: Near-Fatal Adolescent Suicide AttemptPhyllis Ann Dougherty. Exploring the Relationships among Work-Related Stress, Quality of Life, Job Satisfaction, and Anticipated Turnover on Nursing Units with Clinical Nurse LeadersMary Kohler. A Comparative Study of Knowledge of Pain Management in Certified and Non-Certified Oncology NursesSherrie A.
Evaluating Knowledge and Attitudes of Undergraduate Nursing Students Regarding Pain ManagementJessica Latchman. Evaluation of Oncology Nurses' Knowledge, Practice Behaviors, nursing phd thesis, and Confidence Specific to Chemotherapy Induced Peripheral NeuropathyRebecca Denise McAllister. Moderating the Effectiveness of Messages to Promote Physical Activity in Type 2 DiabetesRachel E. Factors Affecting the Process of Clinical Decision-Making in Pediatric Pain Management by Emergency Department NursesTeresa Nursing phd thesis. The Correlation Between Neuropathy Limitations and Depression in Chemotherapy Patientsnursing phd thesis, Melissa Thebeau, nursing phd thesis.
Fatigue Symptom Distress and Its Relationship with Quality Of Life in Adult Stem Cell Transplant SurvivorsSuzan Fouad Abduljawad R. Nursing Advocacy and the Accuracy of Intravenous to Oral Opioid Conversion nursing phd thesis Discharge in the Cancer PatientMaria L.
Gallo R. Transitional Care for Adolescents with HIV: Characteristics and Current Practices of the Adolescent Trials Network Systems of CarePatricia Gilliam. Falls in Bone Marrow Transplant Patients: A Retrospective StudyLura Henderson R. Predictors of cancer caregiver depression symptomatologyHenry R. Psychosocial outcomes of weight stigma among college studentsSabrina Joann Robinson.
The Experience of Fatigue and Quality of Life in Patients with Advanced Lung CancerAndrea Shaffer. The Relationship Between Uncertainty in Illness and Anxiety in Patients With CancerNaima Vera. Shifting Paradigms: Nursing phd thesis Development of Nursing Identity in Foreign-Educated Physicians Retrained as Nurses Practicing in the United StatesLiwliwa Reyes Villagomeza. Prostate Cancer Screening Intention Among African American Men: An Instrument Development StudySusan Anita Baker.
The Geriatric Cancer Experience in End of Life: Model Adaptation and TestingHarleah G. Chandler MS, ARNP, FNP-BC. Relationship of Anger Trait and Anger Expression to C-Reactive Protein in Post-Menopausal WomenRosalyn Gross. Identifying Patients with Cancer at Risk of Experiencing a Fall While HospitalizedJoann M.
Modulation of Monocyte-Derived Dendritic Cell Maturation and Function by Cigarette Smoke Condensate in a Bronchial Epithelial Cell Co-Culture ModelAlison J. Development of an Ecological Model to Predict Risk for Acquisition of Clostridium difficile -Associated Diarrhea During Acute Care HospitalizationSusan Elaine Steele.
Development and Psychometric Evaluation of the Chemotherapy Induced Peripheral Neuropathy Assessment ToolCindy S. Health Decision Behaviors: Appropriateness of Dietary ChoiceDaryle Hermelin Wane. The Relationship Between Sleep-Wake Disturbance and Pain in Cancer Patients Admitted to Hospice Home CareMarjorie Acierno.
Wheelchair Positioning and Pulmonary Function in Children with Cerebral PalsyLee Barks. Structural Equation Model of Exercise in Women Utilizing the Theory of Unpleasant Symptoms and Social Cognitive VariablesSarah Elizabeth Cobb.
The Effects of nursing phd thesis Structured Adherence Intervention to HAART on Adherence and Treatment Response Outcomesnursing phd thesis, Donald E. The Relationships Among Pain, Dyspnea, Constipation and Quality of Life in Lung Cancer Patients Enrolled in a Hospice ProgramLisa A. The influence of acculturation and other family characteristics on asthma outcomes in Hispanic childrenRose M. Depressive symptomatology, patient-provider communication, and patient satisfaction: A multilevel analysisLorraine Marie Novosel.
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Dissertation Defense by Phyllis M. Eaton, PhD, RN
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Theses/Dissertations from Fatigue Symptom Distress and Its Relationship with Quality Of Life in Adult Stem Cell Transplant Survivors, Suzan Fouad Abduljawad R.N., B.S.N. Nursing Advocacy and the Accuracy of Intravenous to Oral Opioid Conversion PhD Dissertation. Each student must write a dissertation that presents the results of a research project carried out by the student. An appropriate research project involves a substantive piece of original and independent research grounded in an appropriate body of literature. It is relevant to an identifiable field as it is currently practiced Oct 04, · List of 84 Nursing Dissertation Topics Preferably Smoking Or Drug Abuse But Can Be Anything Rn To Bsn Studentss Perception Of Online Learning: A Correctional Study What Are The Factors Contributing To Medication Non-Adherence In Adult Patients With Type 2 Diabetes. The Role Of A Registered Nurse In Estimated Reading Time: 5 mins
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