Most of you probably already know what anorexia is, however in case you don't anorexia is basically a disease involving self-starvation. Anorexia victims have a very low "ideal" weight. It might begin as a normal diet carried to extremes, reducing their food intake to a bare minimum Oct 17, · This essay discusses the ways in which a mental illness called Anorexia Nervosa can be solved or prevented from causing people to have sensational weight loss, to be extremely thin and to have major dieting issues (Helpguide).Estimated Reading Time: 7 mins Anorexia is common destructive eating disorder that individuals can develop overtime by giving into their deranged thoughts and perceptions. My research paper will describe in detail the actions and behaviors that someone who is suffering from Anorexia Nervosa demonstrates
The Prevention and Treatment of Anorexia Nervosa: [Essay Example], words GradesFixer
Home — Essay Samples — Health — Anorexia — The Prevention and Treatment of Anorexia Nervosa, essay on anorexia. Anorexia Nervosa is a mental illness, an eating disorder and a life threatening sickness that is often responsible for the people who do not receive enough nutrition for their bodies National Essay on anorexia Disorders Collaboration.
This mental illness also causes people to be preoccupied in thinking that they are overweight when they are actually underweight. As a result, the people with Anorexia Nervosa starve themselves and do not receive enough nutrition for their body to function properly.
There are many different signs or symptoms of Anorexia Nervosa. Some of them are sensational weight loss, extreme thinness and major dieting issues Helpguide. This essay discusses the ways in which a mental illness called Anorexia Nervosa can be solved or prevented from causing people to have sensational weight loss, to be extremely thin and to have major dieting issues Helpguide, essay on anorexia.
Some of the preventative methods are as follows: promoting healthy opinions about oneself and others WebMDCognitive Behavioral Therapy Good Therapy and eating a balanced meal NEDA.
The method that will probably work the best is Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, essay on anorexia. It is also linked to the economic and the moral factors. The first method that could be used to prevent Anorexia Nervosa is by promoting healthy opinions about oneself and others. The way that this method works is by encouraging Anorexic people especially the young children to keep a positive view on themselves and their bodies WebMD.
This method is effective as it encouraged many people around the world to change their ways. The people with eating disorders were able to gather up their courage to look at themselves with more confidence day by day Stanford Medicine, essay on anorexia. Therefore, there should not be any other problems arising when this solution is used. This method is related to the ethical and the moral factors. The method, essay on anorexia, promoting healthy opinions about oneself and others is related to the ethical factor.
This is because the Anorexic people may think that the encouragements from people could be a joke or a lie which is supposed to cheer them up. It is also related to the moral factor because people can choose whether this solution is right or wrong in their lives WebMD.
Therefore, these factors will cause a barrier for this method to those who are not willing to be encouraged by the compliments from others. However, to those who are very willing to be encouraged should be affected in a good way, essay on anorexia.
The second method that could be used to solve or prevent Anorexia Nervosa is Cognitive Behavioral Therapy Good Therapy. Cognitive Behavioral Therapy CBT is an example of a psychological therapy. During the time that a person is under treatment, the therapist would try to really understand their thoughts and emotions about their condition which is in this case, Anorexia Nervosa. This method is quite effective as it has been used many times on Anorexic patients ending up with a positive outcome The Ranch.
There will also be no problems arising since it is used to encourage people to have better thoughts about themselves through psychological therapy. This method is related to the economic and the moral factors. The method, Cognitive Behavioral Therapy CBT is related to the economic factor. This is because the price range for this therapy is about ££ which is about Rs. It also related to the moral factor because it is a personal choice for people whether they want to attend the therapy or not.
Therefore, these factors will cause a barrier for this method to those who are not willing to spend a lot of money and to those who may or essay on anorexia not want to attend the therapy. The third method that could be used to solve or prevent Anorexia Nervosa is by eating a balanced meal. As Anorexic people have a tendency of eating very little or very poorly as they think they are overweight NEDA. Howstuffworks recommends that an average person should provide their bodies with at least 2, calories from a balanced meal per day HowStuffWorks.
There should not be any problems arising due to this method. Eating a balanced meal is related to the ethical factor. After eating a balanced meal, essay on anorexia Anorexic person could throw up. Therefore, the ethical factor will cause a barrier for this method to those who are essay on anorexia eating a lot even if it is about eating a healthy and a balanced meal, essay on anorexia. The moral factor will also cause a barrier for this method when solving Essay on anorexia Nervosa as the person has the choice of whether they want to eat at least 2, calories per day or not.
Therefore, based on my research, it seems as if Cognitive Behavioral Therapy CBT is the most effective and the best method that could be used to solve or prevent Anorexia Nervosa. This method is the best since it is focused on helping an Anorexic patient through professional help which is in this case, essay on anorexia, psychological therapy.
Overall, this Cognitive Behavioral Therapy CBT is the most effective method that can be used to solve or prevent Anorexia Nervosa in the future. Remember: This is just a sample from a fellow student. Sorry, copying is not allowed on our website. We will occasionally send you account related emails. This essay on anorexia is not unique. Sorry, we could not paraphrase this essay. Our professional writers can rewrite it and get you a unique paper.
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The Prevention and Treatment of Anorexia Nervosa Category: Health Subcategory: Mental Health Topic: AnorexiaEating Disorders Pages: 2 Words: Published: 17 October Downloads: 28 Download Print. Get help with writing. Essay on anorexia we can write an original essay just for you.
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Eating Disorders: Anorexia Nervosa, Bulimia \u0026 Binge Eating Disorder
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Jul 26, · Your Anorexia Essay Structure Introduction. This part must contain the thesis statement, which you will address throughout the paper. Usually, in an The Body Paragraphs. Let's see what to write in the central part of your paper on anorexia? As we /10() This essay will explain both disorders as well as developing a program for a healthy lifestyle encouraging long term health. Anorexia nervosa is a complex eating disorder characterized by intense fear of gaining weight, refusal to maintain a healthy body weight and self-starvation May 20, · Anorexia nervosa is a disorder that manifests in people with an exaggerated fear of gaining weight. These people usually become very thin because they limit the amount of food they consume to a very little quantity being not adequate to cater to the body’s needs. It can be said that it is dieting that has gotten out of blogger.comted Reading Time: 9 mins
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