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Listed below are theses and dissertations dating back to Ali, S. The relationship of parental involvement and student-athlete career development. Doctoral dissertation. University of Florida, doctoral thesis on self esteem, Gainesville, Florida. Cakmakci, H. Calhoun, A. Between social worlds: Exploring mis recognition in the lifeworlds of Black girls at school. Daniels, P. Connecting through play: The lived experience of formal caregivers for individuals with progressive dementia in a memory care community.
Ghosh, D. Creativity doctoral thesis on self esteem cross cultural supervision A grounded theory approach. Greenidge, T. Houseknecht, A. Motivation, doctoral thesis on self esteem, belonging, and support: Examining factors that affect persistence in counselor preparation programs. McGrath Fair, C. Polanco Lopez, J. Richardson, E. Examining gender differences in emotion regulation and influences on abstinence self-efficacy, commitment to sobriety and cravings during partial hospitalization treatment for substance use disorder.
Henesy, R. Jahn, S. Johnson, K. Exploring vicarious trauma and vicarious resilience in counselors-in-training. Lenes, E. Color-Conscious Multicultural Mindfulness CCMM : An investigation of counseling students and pre-licensed counselors.
Lutton, S. The intersection of trauma, the counseling relationship, and the medical model: Lived experiences of counselors. Oberheim, S. Content development and initial psychometric analysis of the Problematic Hypersexuality Scale PHS. Prikhidko, A. Emotion regulation among mothers of toddlers in the context of intensive mothering. Su, Y. Addressing attention problems through mindfulness: The effectiveness of a school counseling group intervention.
Vella, J. Exploring alternatives to the medical model of mental health care. Cheung, C. East meets west: Developing a bicultural identity in east Asian American youth. Fields, K. A phenomenological look at adoptive nesting to prepare for adoptive motherhood. Examining the relationships among neighborhood, family, and individual child characteristics and adverse childhood experiences. Neely, J. Couples therapy to improve the marriage for parents with a child with autism.
Anthony, C, Jr. Black college student-athlete identity achievement status: An intersection of racial identity, athletic identity, and gender.
Burtzlaff, P. Clergy premarital counseling with lower socioeconomic couples. Dyce, C. Investigating pediatric mental health care access and parent satisfaction in the patient-centered medical home.
Jaramillo, A. Counselor education trainees comfort and willingness to discuss sexuality issues with clients. Johnson, J. Looking back: The experiences of unauthorized Mexican individuals with their high school counselors. Logan, S. Examining psychological hardiness and leadership practices and their relation to occupational satisfaction among counselor educators.
Studer-Brynes, E. Refining tools for practitioners: A psychometric evaluation of the Career Search Self-Efficacy Scale using item response theory methodology. Wargovich, B. Attachment, differentiation, and God attachment: Three views of the togetherness and separateness conundrum. Allen, C. Chen, P.
Development and initial doctoral thesis on self esteem of the Multicultural Counseling Doctoral thesis on self esteem Efficacy Scale for counselors in Taiwan. Griffin, L. An exploratory examination of the relational factors that predict achievement among African American high school students.
Isaac, N. The traumatic impact of community violence exposure on primary school children in Trinidad and Tobago. Palmer, P. Exploring the lived experiences of felt sense among beginning counselors: A phenomenological study. Rant, J. Shin, S. A parenting stress model of Asian parents living in the U. Theurer, J. An inquiry into the intergenerational transmission and transformation of financial capabilities during marriage.
Watson, D. Perspectives of working class counseling clients: A grounded theory study, doctoral thesis on self esteem. Yoon, E. Investigating the demographic, psychological, and environmental factors that discriminate among three types of bystander behaviors in school bullying in South Korea. Babcock, S. Counseling students experience of ambiguity.
Callahan-Willsie, J. Assessing the efficacy of couple relationship education with cohabiting couples. Diehl, E. Boundary ambiguity and the non-deployed parent: A qualitative study. Exploring the strengths, resiliencies, and challenges of lesbian and bisexual females who experienced dating violence in a same-sex relationship during adolescence.
Lewis, D. McCarthy, S. The evolution of school counseling students perspectives concerning family-school involvement throughout their field experience. Page, K. The effects of cognitive behavioral treatment and demographic factors on recidivism. Varney, M. Byrd, K. The relationship between media influence and identity development among low-income African American and White adolescent girls.
De Miranda, Y. Family distress, body image, and eating concerns among male and female college students. Lopez, N.
Exploring the experiences of Latinos in mental health services. Mixon, K. Rivera, S. Jail diversion and recidivism: Impact on community integration and treatment utilization. Thompson, E.
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(Doctoral dissertation). University of Florida, Gainesville, Florida. Greenidge, T. (). The lived experiences of African American or Black college women’s self-esteem and the impact of racial socialization in racially charged events on a college campus. (Doctoral dissertation). University of Florida, Gainesville, Florida. Houseknecht, A Doctoral Thesis On Self Esteem homework professionally. They always match your expectations no matter what kind of assignment you need help with. For years, our dedication to excellent Doctoral Thesis On Self Esteem customer service has made us one of the best writing Doctoral Thesis On Self Esteem assignments, it follows the easiest and the most predictable structure. Besides, students are not supposed to get creative here Read more>> from $ per page. Let us know your deadline and we’ll be on time. If you hurry – we’ll send you the paper in 3 hours. You can forget about late submissions!
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