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Call: Email: azresearchconsult gmail. Writing Services -Research Projects, Thesis, Dissertation, Research Proposal, Business Proposal, Essays, Speeches, Term Papers, Seminar Papers, Plagiarism Editing, Presentations, Assignments for B. Sc, M. Ed, M, dissertation of english pronunciation problems. D in Lagos, Nigeria. Click here to Get this Complete Project Chapter This is an innate ability bestowed on any normal child from birth and this first language is called the mother tongue.
It is the language which a child first learns in the process of communication. It is the language of the home in which the custom is transmitted and the characteristic parental and filial ties are laid Taiwo as cited in Eruchalu,p. As stated earlier, language is culture bound, and is transmitted from generation to generation; so a speaker of any language as a first language or mother tongue possesses the greatest linguistic facility in that particular language which he uses to carry out his day to day activities.
Olagboke avers that mother tongue is a language in which a child has acquired his first experiences of life, the one in which he dreams and thinks, and in which he can easily and conveniently express his feelings and dissertation of english pronunciation problems p. Aligning with the above assertions, Eruchalu posits that: Linguists and psychologists believe that at the age of five every normal child has acquired a reasonable degree of competence in his native language, dissertation of english pronunciation problems.
To him a child has the ability to generate as many new grammatical sentences by applying the rules in his native language recursively. By the time the child is of school age, he has already learnt to form and mold his early p. Fafunwa opines that mother tongue education is the systematic way of training and instructing a child through the medium of dissertation of english pronunciation problems language.
He states further that it involves a formal approach which is the use of first language in teaching a child, or the use of mother tongue or native language as a means of formal education in schools. The United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organizations UNESCO is a strong advocate of mother tongue or first language as a language of formal education in early childhood and foundation education since This confirms the importance of mother tongue education to the development of any nation.
Several scholars have also lent their voices on the need for first language education to the educational development of any given society. Learning a second language has been important to human beings from earliest historical times. Bilingual tablets were used in ancient, dissertation of english pronunciation problems. Egypt, and, in the Ptolemaic period, the upper classes in Egypt received their education in Greek, dissertation of english pronunciation problems. In the Hellenistic period, the majority of people in Asia Minor who could read and write did so in Greek, their second language.
Until the fourth century BC, bilingual education in Greek and Latin was an importantpart of the curriculum for Roman children Brown, Foreign language is a language which is not a native language in a country.
A foreign language is usually studied either for communication or for reading material in a country Brown, Studies on the interdependence between mother tongue and foreign language Williamson, ; Swain, indicated a linguistic interdependence with regard to multiple subsystems phonological, syntactic, semantic and textual.
Due to globalization, every aspect of our world is undergoing a transformation. In the present scenario those who are well versed in English can reap its benefits, those who are not are marginalized. The changing and fast evolving times have witnessed the growing importance of English language in all spheres of life.
Conscious and dissertation of english pronunciation problems use of English words in our everyday conversation bears evidence to this fact. Second language learners appear to accumulate structural entities of the target language but demonstrate difficulty in organizing this knowledge into appropriate coherent structures.
There appears a significant gap between the accumulation and the organization of knowledge, dissertation of english pronunciation problems. If the structure of two languages are distinctly different, then one could expect a relatively high frequency of errors to occur in second language learning thus indicating an interference of L1 on L2 Dechert, ; Ellis Language, as Fromkin, Victoria, Rodman, Robert and Nina posits, is a way of communicating ideas, dissertation of english pronunciation problems, emotions and desires by means of a system of arbitrarily produced symbols for physiological as well as psychological survival.
In a tropical African region where English acts as a second language, the aim of teaching English is not to develop British or American accent but to help the learners to overcome regional accents, wrong pronunciation and gradually train them in proper articulation, dissertation of english pronunciation problems. In the second language teaching learning context such as in Nigeria, pronunciation of the target language is generally not given adequate importance; but it plays a pivotal role in the entire process of language learning.
It develops the communicative skills and helps the learners to acquire a good command of the language he learns. It is normally argued that, dissertation of english pronunciation problems, to acquire command of a second language, a learner has to develop four basic skills listening, speaking, reading and writing. All these four skills interact with each other and they are essential for teaching and learning of second language. A second language dissertation of english pronunciation problems has a tendency to transfer his habits from his mother tongue to the second language system.
This transfer of L1 linguistic features to L2 is called Interlingual Interference. This interference can be of two types. Interference of the First language items with the second language items where both possess certain similarities.
Interference of L1 items in L2 items which do not possess similarities. At points of similarities between L1and L2, the second language learner employs his L1 learning strategies and techniques in his L2 learning.
But at places of differences he faces difficulties. So a second language teacher should be very careful in employing his teaching strategies to help learners to overcome such difficulties. Similarly, the lack of long vowels in Yoruba hinders the acquisition of dissertation of english pronunciation problems vowels in English by Yoruba English bilingual.
Also, there are some sounds in English language which the Yoruba Language does not have e. Igbo speakers of English, even some well-educated ones, tend to transfer the vowel system of their language into English. Below are other examples common to the different Nigerian tribes. NEPA has interrupted power supply · Our leaders have eaten our money.
embezzled · Take a bus going to Kaduna Island, drop at the bus stop Board a bus going to Kaduna Island, alight at the bus stop. It is assumed that these socio-cultural encumbrances get in the way of pupils learning of English in the form of interferences in speaking and n writing. This is what this study aims to assess. It is for this reason that any barriers likely to be encountered by pupils while acquiring English language speaking and writing skills should be investigated.
This study therefore seeks to investigate the problems and prospect of mother tongue education in Nigeria. A case study of some selected primary school in Kaduna North. Dissertation of english pronunciation problems main purpose of this study is to investigate the Problems and prospect of mother tongue education in Nigeria, dissertation of english pronunciation problems.
Dissertation of english pronunciation problems, this study aims to:. The study examines problems and prospect of mother tongue education in Nigeria with a view to understudy some selected primary schools in Kaduna North. This study could be of immense importance to the teachers of English Language, dissertation of english pronunciation problems, pupils, curriculum planners, examining bodies, textbook writers, educational administrators and possibly parents.
This study could also be of great importance. Furthermore, Teachers of English Language would find this study valuable. This study could benefit the teachers in their choice and emphasis, regarding ways in planning and presenting their lessons.
Other teachers in other fields could equally benefit from the present study. Aspects of knowledge organization and presentation that involve spoken English, analysis and transcription would definitely require insights from studies such as the present one.
Curriculum developers could find this study relevant. It would help in making decisions relating to content selection, materials and areas for development.
Mother Tongue MT : the native language one first learns to speak before other languages. Interference: interruption of a language by another especially in pronunciation, intonation, syntax and in semantics. English as a Second Language: a traditional term for the use or study of the English language by non-native speakers in an English-speaking environment.
WordPress Di Business Theme, dissertation of english pronunciation problems. Hit enter to search or ESC to close Search ». Full Project — PROBLEMS AND PROSPECT OF MOTHER TONGUE EDUCATION IN NIGERIA. A CASE STUDY OF SOME SELECTED PRIMARY SCHOOLS IN KADUNA NORTH, dissertation of english pronunciation problems. Bilingual tablets were used in ancient Egypt, and, in the Ptolemaic period, the upper classes in Egypt received their education in Greek.
There are twelve monophthongs and nine diphthongs. embezzled · Take a bus going to Kaduna Island, drop at the bus stop Board a bus going to Kaduna Island, alight at the bus stop It is assumed that these socio-cultural encumbrances get in the way of pupils learning of English in the form of interferences in speaking and n writing. Purpose of Study The main purpose of this study is to investigate the Problems and prospect of mother tongue education in Nigeria.
Specifically, this study aims to: find out the influence of mother tongue on the pronunciation of vowel sounds by secondary school pupils find out the influence of mother tongue on the pronunciation of consonant sounds by secondary school pupils find out the influence of mother tongue on the intonation of secondary school pupils.
find out the influence of mother tongue on the syntax of secondary school pupils Research Questions The following research questions will be answered in the course of this study: Does mother tongue influence the dissertation of english pronunciation problems of vowel sounds by secondary school pupils?
Does mother tongue influence the pronunciation of consonant sounds by secondary school pupils? Does mother tongue influence the intonation of secondary school pupils?
Does mother tongue influence the syntax of secondary school pupils? Research Hypotheses The following research hypotheses will be tested in the course of this study: Mother tongue does not significantly influence the pronunciation of vowel sounds by secondary school pupils Mother tongue does not significantly influence the pronunciation of consonant sounds by secondary school pupils Mother tongue does not significantly influence the intonation of secondary school pupils Mother tongue does not significantly influence the syntax of secondary school pupils Scope of the Study The study examines problems and prospect of mother tongue education in Nigeria with a view to understudy some selected primary schools in Kaduna North.
Significance of the Study This study could be of immense importance to the teachers of English Language, pupils, curriculum planners, examining bodies, textbook writers, educational administrators and possibly parents.
This dissertation of english pronunciation problems could also be of great importance to researchers and other interested bodies in the field of language and communication studies.
Operational Definition of Terms Mother Tongue MT : the native language one first learns to speak before other languages. D, MBA, MSC, M. Recent Posts Full Project — PROBLEMS AND PROSPECT OF MOTHER TONGUE EDUCATION IN NIGERIA. WhatsApp us.
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