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Buy french essay

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More information can be found in our Privacy Policy, buy french essay. Before joining Money MarketingI only had a very vague idea of how the UK pension system works. I only knew it was very different than the system in place in France. When moving to another country, buy french essay, checking how the local pension system works has never been on the top of my to-do list.

The few things Buy french essay knew about British pensions is that the state contribution is much lower than across the Channel and that the essential part is privatised, buy french essay. After having wrangled for a few weeks with concepts such as drawdowns, annuities, MPAA or UFPLS, I feel I have a better grasp of it, although there is still plenty of room for improvement.

The thing is that the British and French pension systems have little in common despite serving the same purpose. A two-clause sentence to explain the differences between both systems is certainly insufficient, but it still bears some truth. The French pension system consists of three levels: state pension provision, occupational pension provision and voluntary private provision.

The state pension provision lays on the principle of intergenerational solidarity. It is funded through a monthly payroll tax to finance the pensions of the current retirees. In other words, employers and workers contribute each month for the pensions of the current retirees.

These contributions grant current workers the right to get a pension in their later days. Several successive governments have tried to find a solution to defuse this time bomb without convincing results until now, buy french essay. It means that the intergenerational solidarity is not running at full capacity, because there are so many individuals who do not have the possibility to participate. The second level of the French pension system is the occupational pension provision.

There are actually three of them, one for managers, a second one for non-managers and a third one for civil servants. All of them are state-run. To put it simply, it is a form of defined contribution, buy french essay. However, I personally believe it is a little bit punitive for people who did not have a linear progression in life.

That is especially true for people who, for whatever reason, had prolonged or repeated career interruptions. Weekend Essay: Is it too late to fix a broken pensions system? Obviously, there will be no way for me to catch up with the necessary retirement points to receive a decent monthly income when I retire.

As such, I buy french essay the British pension system is more flexible and adaptable to individual circumstances.

You can always increase your contributions to make up for the bad years, buy annuities or increase your drawdown incomes by investing wisely. Of course, it is not as rosy as it seems. I find the British pension system to be more complex and it also comes with more risks and potential traps attached, buy french essay. Nonetheless, I guess its complexity is the reason why it is also more flexible. There are however a few subtleties in the French pension system to partially get around this problem.

They are divided in two categories: collective and individual plans. Collective retirement savings plans are relatively newcomers in the world of French pension as they were introduced in They are made available by some companies, which means they are not accessible to everyone.

They include bonuses, buy french essay sharing, employee buy french essay employer contribution and transfers from other company savings schemes. As for the employer, it does not have the right to add more than three times what the employee has contributed to their collective retirement saving plan. They are accessible to everyone until the legal retirement age of It consists of punctual payments from the employee. Once the employee retires, they will receive annuities until they die.

This reform would also look to boost the participation of private pension funds in France. Although they have been around sincetheir role in the French pension system has been marginal until now. With the challenges the French pension system is facing and the impact of Covid, the French government has shown its eagerness to switch from a distribution to a capitalisation system. The future might prove me wrong, buy french essay, buy french essay I feel the expansion of buy french essay pension funds in France will not be hassle-free, as the French society tends to favour statist-approaches.

In buy french essay, some MPs in the opposition accused the government to give in to lobbying pressure. As such, the future of the French pension system is uncertain, but it will certainly see a reshaping as it seems to be reaching its limits.

Although I might have conveyed a negative impression of the French pension system, I would like to stress that it was not my intention. While it has its downsides and is due to change in the coming years, it also offers certain advantages.

I believe it is much simpler and more understandable for the average person in comparison to the UK system. There is no such thing as lost or spread pension pots, there are no dilemmas between annuities or drawdown, etc. I am not trying to assert the superiority of one system over the other. At the end of the day, it is much more about whether you prefer a one-size-fits-all solution with clear guaranteed retirement incomes or a more flexible approach with risks attached.

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Thanks to crash Gordon Brown who raided the UKs private pension funds back in the day when he was chancellor. At that time the UK had more in our pension system saved than the whole of Europe put together. Amazing what one idiot can do in politics. We have a choice. All I know is that there is plenty of money out there that is in the hands of those who wish not to share it. Happily, I can resolve the UK State Pension problem, and I am quite sure that most people could do so quite easily as well.

However, there are a number of problems … depending on your stand point. Buy french essay the people who currently get their massively unfair financial advantages from their pensions would not like it — they are far too used to ripping off the rest of us — it is like something out buy french essay Edwardian Britain.

Fact — There is more than enough money going into the state pension system to afford state pensions of at least £ per week for everybody over age 65 in the UK — revelation!! Any new awards only to be made on ill health grounds, buy french essay, and then to reviewed annually after being awarded. You must be logged buy french essay to post a comment. View more on these topics Pensions Buy french essay MM Weekend Essay.

Money Marketing. Related articles. Comments There are 4 comments at the moment, we would love to hear your opinion too. John Adviser 5th June at am. Log in to Reply. Steve Graham 7th June at am. Patrick Schan 7th June at pm. Trevor Harrington 7th June at pm.

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