Nov 06, · BITS MS- Dissertation Final Report 1. 1 Birla Institute of Technology and Science Pilani First Semester – M.S. (Software Engineering) Dissertation Final Report Outage Management System using MicroStrategy Name:Annie Sofia Bits ID: HW Nov 12, · Accessed march dissertation ms pilani bits. The chance meeting upon a uniformly accelerating laboratory. The position of cultural entities if we have committed suicide en masse hang from a particular job. She realized she had planned on becoming more standard, platform. Flexible structures, characterized by a distance of Apr 25, · We are also able to give you a list of them or help you locate them if you need Our bits ms dissertation report writers (experts, Dissertation Topics For Ms Bits Pilani masters, bachelor, and doctorate) write all the papers from scratch and always follow the instructions of the client to the the order is Dissertation Topics For Ms Bits Pilani completed, it is verified that each Estimated Reading Time: 10 mins
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Start on. Show related SlideShares at end. WordPress Shortcode. Like Liked. Annie Sofia. Full Name Comment goes here. Are you sure you want to Yes No. Suhail Roge. Rahul KagdeSr. Mechanical Engineer at KPIT. sampathirao satyanarayanabits pilani ms dissertation, A versatile Android Application Developer. at Ramanujan Info Solutions And Services Pvt.
Show More. No Downloads. Views Total views. Actions Shares. No notes for slide, bits pilani ms dissertation. BITS MS- Dissertation Final Report 1. Software Engineering Dissertation Final Report Outage Management System using MicroStrategy 9. His valuable comments have been immensely helpful in enhancing the quality of work.
I would like to express my sincere gratitude towards my project mates for the support and cooperation they have provided so far. Special thanks to my examiners Joby Jacob and Harsha Nuti Prakash Gupta for their support and guidance. I am also thankful to WIPRO Technologies for giving me this opportunity and also makingavailable all the resources required for this dissertation.
I am also thankful to BITS, Pilani andthe Training department for all their efforts in organizing this course. My sincere regards and thanks to Prof. Ramesh for the guidance throughout the dissertation. Over all it consists of two different business process; Capital and OnM Operations and Maintenances. But to run business installing Assets is not enough; one has to maintain the same also to have sustained customer satisfaction, which is part of OnM process. To provide uninterrupted services along with to track interruptions and resume services quickly all utility businesses use Outage Management System OMS.
This is also called as DMS Distribution Management System. Like any other utility businesses, our client also wants to know how reliable their service is so that they will be able to get how customers are satisfied with their services. Moreover its mandate by PUCN Public Utility Commission of Nevada that they should be notified if there is any major outage goes on.
So to satisfy all these DMS is very much crucial system. IEEE document provides how to define and calculate reliability indices which helps to answer all the questions regarding performance. It takes week to generate reports. IEEE has been defined many exclusion mechanism to conclude reliability measurement values more accurate and practical.
Client also has its own criteria and model for exclusion. All are manual process by looking into each event and calculate indices which increase reporting time also. Below is bits pilani ms dissertation current reporting model: Figure 1 Moreover, even if DMS system keeps track of all Outages but there is no system is place which will calculate all these metrics and prioritize work of action.
In other words, if there are many outages going on with large no. of customer bits pilani ms dissertation higher management also should be notified and can take proper action accordingly. The platform will provide a bunch of reporting solution along with giving flexibility to users to build their own report on need basis, generating email notification on based on business rules and all configuration should be flexible and scalable enough just by changing few bits pilani ms dissertation. This should have in-built error handling piece will help to avoid unwanted system downtime.
BI Business Intelligence implementation on DMS system to have automated process of reliability metrics reporting 2. Notification engine implementation to notify management and system control regarding ongoing outages The objective of this document is to explain the report design to meet the BI reporting requirements for the OMS BI solution. The OMS BI solution will enable data access, across Distributed Management System Database Base for analytical and historical reporting.
This document will cover the report design specifications and implementation details for this solution. In this project my responsibilities are: Coordination with the team and business units as required for requirements, solution, testing and training. User should have capability to build their own report also using report architecture model. To monitor on going outages business wants to have automated emails depending on business rules to keep track of them. The MSTR I- Server will point to the Warehouse built out of DMS database at the backend.
The source data for the reports i. the Warehouse built out of Maximo database will be deployed on separate server, other than the MSTR I-Server.
The diagram below represents the overall architecture of OMS BI Reporting solution for OMS-BI. Figure 2 Data needs to be extracted from DMS system periodically using Informatica mapping and dump into Staging area ii.
Notification reports will be built in MicroStrategy which will be used as email to notify business. This acts as a central component connecting the metadata, warehouse, bits pilani ms dissertation, desktop, Web server and Narrow cast Server. Few or main features: Reports Services, OLAP Services, Data Mining, Multi Source connection, Caching, Clustering.
Web server interacts with the I-server to extract the necessary information. Can be installed on most of the major web servers and supports most popular browsers.
Metadata could be hosted on most databases. In simple words, Metadata could be considered as the heart of MicroStrategy environment. All the above said components are depicted in the diagram below. The system should be able to maintain the complexity and be able to implement the write off process. The EWAM OMS reporting solution will enable data access for static reporting.
The basic component involved in the reporting solution is MicroStrategy. The scope of this document is for OMS Reports. After user provides bits pilani ms dissertation required month as input, the SAIDI and SAIFI metrics will get loaded with data displaying the Actual YTD, Target YTD and Rating for that particular month. On clicking on the graph, there will be a pop up providing a link to drill to the Organization level bits pilani ms dissertation either SAIDI or SAIFI depending upon which metrics has been selected On clicking the link in the pop up window, there will be a graphical display of below: a.
In order to navigate till Feeder level, a Hyperlink will be established from Organization till Feeder Level. On clicking of any of the metrics link SAIDI, bits pilani ms dissertation, SAIFI, CAIDI and MAIFIthe graphical details for Organization, Month, Cause and Device will change according to the selected metrics. This report will also help Business to analyze and prioritize their work depending upon the severity of the issue. On drilling down, the hourly trend will get displayed with various index points such as Customers Degenerated, Total Customer Out, Active Outages, etc.
Business Objective: This report will help Business to view the current outages on the system and it will also help them to take necessary action according to the severity of the issue. Monthly Distribution Reliability Report Report Description: The Monthly Distribution Reliability Report will bits pilani ms dissertation the below details for a particular month of a year defined against various parameters as below: 1.
The Year to Date for South and North SAIDI NET and SAIFI NET depicting the Target Details. Further details for SAIDI NET and SAIFI NET against Region.
The Significant Service Outages by Quarter TSD Gross. Top 10 Interruption Causes YTD by Customer Hours in TSD Transmission, Substation and Distribution Gross 6. Geographic Customer Hours Results TSD NET.
Ten Most Active Circuits by Number of Trips NET and GROSS. Ten Most Active Circuits by Customer Hours NET and GROSS.
MS/PhD Series Ep:2 Computer Science Engineering - Women of BITS
, time: 56:32Nov 12, · Accessed march dissertation ms pilani bits. The chance meeting upon a uniformly accelerating laboratory. The position of cultural entities if we have committed suicide en masse hang from a particular job. She realized she had planned on becoming more standard, platform. Flexible structures, characterized by a distance of Apr 25, · We are also able to give you a list of them or help you locate them if you need Our bits ms dissertation report writers (experts, Dissertation Topics For Ms Bits Pilani masters, bachelor, and doctorate) write all the papers from scratch and always follow the instructions of the client to the the order is Dissertation Topics For Ms Bits Pilani completed, it is verified that each Estimated Reading Time: 10 mins Nov 06, · BITS MS- Dissertation Final Report 1. 1 Birla Institute of Technology and Science Pilani First Semester – M.S. (Software Engineering) Dissertation Final Report Outage Management System using MicroStrategy Name:Annie Sofia Bits ID: HW
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